Tim Bosma

Canadians have waited with baited breath for a happy outcome in the disappearance.  Yesterday we found out that happy ending was not to be.  Tim Bosma, beloved family man with a gorgeous smile, was found dead on a piece of Ontario farmland.  A wife lost her husband, a child their father.  A family lost their son and brother.




Attention now turns to the man that is currently in custody: Dellen Millard.  His lawyer says Dellen, the 27-year old CEO of Millardair, with an envious pedigree from a well-known aviation family, is “completely in shock”.  Apparently he was a former prep-school kid from a well-to-do family, surely he couldn’t be involved in something as unseemly as forcible confinement, grand-theft auto, and apparently murder.


This is Canada, and Dellen Millard is surely innocent until proven guilty.  However, there is more and more damning evidence against Dellen Millard that is coming to light as time passes.  For example:


  • Tim Bosma’s truck was found in a trailer on a property owned by Dellen Millard’s mother
  • Tim Bosma’s body was found, burned beyond recognition, on farmland owned by Dellen Millard himself
  • Two eyewitnesses described a man fitting Dellen Millard’s description with an identical “ambition” tattoo
  • Police have indicated that they have traced the call made to Tim Bosma to a phone owned by Dellen Millard


Two other men are being sought by the police in connection to this tragedy.


But let’s talk for a moment about what we know of Dellen Millard.  At 27, he is young to be a CEO, and though he was CEO by default due to the death of his father and grand-father, it is still a powerful position to hold; a position that requires an aggressive personality.


I am not a paid expert here, and I am not suggesting that Dellen Millard is a sociopath, but I do think there is a great deal of interesting literature on sociopathy in the workplace.  At least 4% of the general population are sociopaths, marked with lack of empathy, devoid of conscience, and an inability to understand basic human emotions.  Again, I cannot diagnose Dellen Millard as a sociopath, but certainly, he could.


Sociopathy is often marked with thrill-seeking behaviour.  Here is a young man that was flying helicopters at age 14; that would be quite the thrill.  Is it possible this thrill-seeking behaviour has led to darker, more dangerous behaviour?  I think this is a very real possible.


If Dellen Millard really has participated in the forcible confinement and murder of Tim Bosma, I think we will soon find out that he didn’t just wake up one day and decide to commit murder.  If the accusations are true, I believe we will find out that Dellen Millard has been engaging in illegal and immoral behaviour for quite some time, hidden beneath of the veneer of wealth and privilege.  Drugs and other stolen vehicles are a possibility.  In a more intimate way, risky sex is another possibility.


As more information comes to light, it will be interesting to see how the other two suspects fit into this terrible crime.